Terms & Conditions

These conditions apply to the letting of Power House by us Chris & Gill Minns (we, us, our) to the person wishing to book the Power House (youyour).
We want you to have a really enjoyable holiday at Power House and apologise for the somewhat formal nature of these conditions but agreeing to these terms amounts to a contract between us for the holiday let for our mutual understanding and protection.

1.  Definitions and Interpretation 

Arrival Date is the arrival date (normally a Friday but subject to confirmation)

Booking means your holiday reservation of the Power House for the dates you specified on the Website or any different dates or period that we may agree subsequently and confirm in writing;

Booking Fee is the total cost for your stay.

Departure Date is the departure date (normally a Friday but subject to confirmation)

Deposit is the deposit which you must pay in order to place the Booking and which is non-refundable if you cancel but which is refundable if we cancel;

Deposit Due Date is the date by which you must pay the Deposit;

Final Payment is the final payment of the Booking Fee which we require 60 days before the Arrival Date;

Final Payment Date is the date by which the Final Payment must be paid;

Furniture means everything that is in the Power House or provided for your enjoyment of the Power House at the start of your stay including the furniture, furnishings, fixtures and fittings, towels and linen, kitchen utensils and appliances, garden furniture and barbeque;

Guests means you and the other persons who are to stay at the Power House during your holiday;

Power House address: Power House, Priddy Veal Lane, Easton, Wells, Somerset BA5 1EL - this does not include other barns or Nissen hut;

Your holiday means the holiday you booked at the Power House on the Website for the dates you specified or those we subsequently agreed in writing;

Website means the website or portal from where you placed the booking (www.eastonfarm.com) or in the case of offline bookings, the reservation email to arrange the booking.

2.  Holiday let & Cancellation

We agree to let the Power House to you for your holiday as holiday accommodation for the number of guests you specified on the Website when you made the reservation request, subject to these conditions.

Please note that where you request a Booking we have 48 hours within which to review the booking and confirm or reject it.  We need this time to ensure that there is no possibility of there being a double booking.   

Accordingly, from when you place the Booking we can reject the Booking within 48 hours and if we do the Booking is cancelled.  We will refund to you any payments that you have made if the Booking is cancelled by us in this situation.

You are responsible for people who you allow into the Power House during your holiday.

3.  Arrivals and departures 

Check-In Time from 03:00 PM | Check-Out Time by 10:00 AM

Whilst we will try and accommodate early arrivals and late departures, this is not always possible, especially if we have same day turnarounds.  You will appreciate it takes time to prepare The Power House for the next guests and your cooperation is appreciated.

Please contact us in good time before your scheduled arrival to arrange for the collection of the key.  Most people call between 4 to 7 days ahead of their arrival date.

4.  Care of the Power House

During your stay at the Power House you agree to;

  1. allow us and our agents to enter the Power House to clean, maintain and inspect it or in order to attend to any problem;

  2. tell us about any problems you may encounter whilst at the Power House or any damage, loss or breakages as soon as possible upon becoming aware of them;

  3. keep the house clean and tidy throughout your holiday.

During your holiday you must not (i) do or omit to do anything which may invalidate or increase the premium payable for the insurance of the Power House;
(ii) engage or allow any other person to engage in any illegal activity at the Power House or do anything which might reasonably be considered to be dangerous, offensive, noisy or immoral, or which may become a nuisance or annoyance to anyone else; or
(iii) make any alterations or cause any damage to the condition of the Power House or the Furniture (apart from fair wear and tear).

At the end of your holiday you must remember to hand the key back to us or leave it somewhere as agreed .

If at the end of your holiday The Power House is not in a similar condition to that which it was in on the Arrival Date we may need to charge you for additional cleaning costs.

5.  Some things you should know about Power House

Please note that The Power House is situated in a very rural position. Because of its location we do occasionally have uninvited visitors from the surrounding fields such as bees, birds, bats, deer, badgers and foxes.  This is to be expected from the very rural location and they should not unduly trouble you.  If any unwanted visitors enter the property you can of course ask us to come and assist in their removal. 

We do have Archie, who is a black and white rescue cat (no tail and one eye) and our pet sheep who are very tame and love to be photographed.

The Power House has its own natural water supply from a bore hole.  The water is pumped and then goes through multiple filtration processes to remove any impurities. The result is delicious water which we are sure you will really appreciate. We have the water tested regularly in line with the Domestic Supply of Water Regulations

You are not permitted to smoke in The Power House.

6. Dogs

Dogs are not allowed into the bedrooms or onto the furniture.

Poo bags should be used at all times in the garden and disposed of in the outside waste bin.

Dogs are never to be left alone in the accommodation or on the property.

Your dog must be kept under control and on a lead where they may be able to cause a nuisance to any grazing livestock.

Failure to adhere to these requests may result in you being asked to vacate the property.

7.  Booking Fee and payment methods 

You must pay the Booking Fee as follows:

(i) The Deposit must be paid when you place the Booking; and

(ii) The Final Payment must be paid 60 days before the Arrival Date.

If we have not received the Final Payment 60 days before the Arrival Date we may cancel the Booking and let the Power House to someone else.

8.  Damages 

In addition to payment of the Booking Fee you must pay for (i) any damage or breakages caused to the Power House or the Furniture by any Guest or visitor during your holiday.

9.  Cancellation policy

We  have a period of 48 hours from when you request a Booking to review it and accept or reject it.  If we do nothing the booking is deemed to have been accepted.  If we notify you by email or via the website that we have rejected the Booking, we’re sorry the Booking is cancelled.  We will refund to you any payments you have then made.

Please refer to the  limited circumstances when any element of your booking fee that you have already paid will be refunded if you or your booking is cancelled.


We may terminate your Booking if you fail to pay the Final Payment by the Final Payment Date, in which case you will lose your Deposit and may remain liable for any other sums calculated under paragraph 7.

The Booking is cancelled or ends automatically if fire or accidental damage renders the Power House unfit for occupation before or during your holiday, or if there is an enforced closure due to Government restrictions as a consequence of COVID or other infectious disease.

If we are unable to fulfil our obligations because of a reason beyond our reasonable control (a force major event) we may cancel the Booking by writing to you or sending you an email.  If we are required to cancel the Booking we will refund to you any part of the Booking Fee that you have paid. This contract will then be terminated and neither of us will be under any further obligation to the other.

You may not give notice of cancellation on or after the Arrival Date but if you wish to cancel the Booking before the Arrival Date you may do so by emailing us at thepowerhouse@eastonfarm.com    If you cancel the Booking you will forfeit the Deposit and will remain liable for the full amount of the Final Payment less any credit calculated under the next paragraph. Any notice of cancellation is only effective when we receive it.

If the notice of cancellation is received less than 30 days before the date your holiday was meant to start we may be able re-let the Power House,  but we are under no obligation to do so. 

If we receive notice 30 days or more before the start of your holiday We will re-advertise The Power House as soon as practicable. If we are successful in letting it to someone else for all or some of your intended dates (a replacement letting) we will credit the amount due from you as the Final Payment against the amount that we receive for the replacement letting less the Deposit received for the replacement letting. In situations where you have already paid the Final Payment we will refund to you the difference by bank transfer or by applying a credit to your payment method within 28 days of receiving the necessary details. Please note that if we are required to find a replacement tenant it may be necessary to offer The Power House at a discounted price and / or to let it for only some of your holiday dates so whilst we will try and recover as much as we feel we reasonably can, the amount we receive is likely to be less than the Final Payment that you are liable for. You also acknowledge that the deposit that we take on all bookings is intended to compensate us for the time it takes and the costs we incur in advertising and administering the bookings. Rest assured that we will do all that is practical and reasonable to recover and reimburse monies paid.

10.  Limitation of liability 

Subject to the next two paragraphs, our entire financial liability (including any liability for our acts or omissions or those of our agents in respect of the Booking and whether in contract or tort) is limited to the Booking Fee;

We are not liable to you for any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic losses that you may suffer including loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to personal belongings, loss of opportunity or distress.

Nothing in these conditions is intended to limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or for anything that it is unlawful for us to limit or exclude our liability for. 

Some amenities may not always be available because a problem has arisen or because equipment has failed. Of course we try to keep such disruptions to a minimum and we will always endeavour to remedy any problems promptly but we are not liable if for any reason we are unable to do so and your enjoyment of the Power House or use of the amenity is affected as a result.

The supply of the wifi and broadband is dependent on the availability from the service provider and your computer having the correct settings needed to connect it to the network. We cannot guarantee that the internet will be accessible at all times or at all and whilst we will try and assist we may not be able to help. 

When using the internet connection you must not visit any websites that contain illegal, obscene or defamatory content. Please note that the wifi may not have the same level of website filtering that you have at home (or any at all).

11.  General 

Time is of the essence in respect of your obligations.

If a Booking is made in more than one person’s name, the obligations may be enforced against each person jointly and against each person individually. You confirm that you are acting on your own behalf and for the benefit of your invited Guests only.

Only the person who arranged the Booking (and his or her successors in title) may enforce any of its terms.

Any notice given under or in connection with these conditions must be in the English language and may be sent by post or by email to the email address by which we have communicated with you.  Legal proceedings must be served by post or courier.

You may not assign or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations under these conditions without my prior written consent.

If any provision of these conditions (or part of any provision) is found by any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the offending provision or part-provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected.

These terms and conditions constitutes the whole agreement between us and supersedes any previous agreements or understandings that are not contained here.

Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with your holiday is subject to English law and you agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Chris & Gill Minns